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Shamanism Spell Tables

Note that Shamanism uses the Mysticism list-multiplier

Seeing the Life Force - 10eps

Spell Name Cost Effect
See Aura 5 Determines general mental state of target. Detects strong emotions and coercions.
Diagnose 5 Determines general well-being of a creature and rough details.
Detect Hidden 5 Detects anyone or anything that has been deliberately hidden (but not accidentaly misplaced)
Detect Lies 5 A specific form of Det.Aura. Detects deception, and its approximate nature.
Detect Illusion 5 Illusions do not interact with the Flow, and so can be identified as false by the Shaman who looks.

Feeling the Life Force - 20eps

Spell Name Cost Effect
Find Path/ Pass without Trace 10 The Shaman can determine the path of least resistance, that will leave the least trace.
Direction Sense 10 The Flow follows certain lines through the world. These lines enable orientation.
Detect Magic 10 Feels for the diversion of flow caused by magical effects (static or dynamic)
Detect Life 10 Feels for the diversion of flow caused by life forms. Gives idea of size and type.
Danger Sense 10 Detects disruptions in the flow caused by impending threat. (non specific)
Radar Sense 10 Shaman can operate in total darkness. Note he does not 'see', but 'feels' his way.
Detect Invisible 10 Invisible things still interact with the Flow, and thus whie they cannot be seen, they can be felt.
Commune with Nature 10 Shaman can sense the general degree of well-being or otherwise of the immediate area.
Comprehend 10 The Shaman can understand any natural language spoken by a natural creature.
Comprehend (animal) 10 The shaman can communicate with natural animals, at their intelligence level.
Comprehend (plant) 10 The shaman can 'hear' the sounds of the plants. He cannot question them though.
Comprehend (landscape) 10 The shaman can 'hear' the sounds of the rocks and other features, but not talk to them.
Heightened Senses 10 The Shaman can augment any or all senses.

Controlling (minor) - 30eps

Spell Name Cost Effect
rengthen 15 Ð>By increasing the flow through an object, the Shaman can strengthen it
Strengthen creature 15 As "Strengthen", but a creature will become stronger and tougher.
Regenerate 15 The Shaman increases the speed of natural healing. (much faster than natural, slower than priestly healing)
Prolong Life 15 The Shaman can maintain the flow through someone who should be dead (equiv. to "Heroic Effort")
Purge 15 Purges the target of all obstructions to the Flow e.g. Diseases, poisons.
Sanctify 15 Purges the target of all spiritual insufficiencies e.g. curses.
Confusion 15 By disrupting the Flow to a creature, they can be confused, disoriented and forgetful.
Sleep/Weaken 15 By restricting the Flow to a creature, it will be rendered weak and lethargic. It may even fall asleep or comatose.
Deanimate 15 Animatrons are controlled by false Flow. A Shaman can disrupt this Flow, and deanimate the creature.
Fear 15 All nature's creatures have a danger-sense. Shamen can create a false danger, and activate this sense.
Trust / Calm 15 Similarly, the Shaman can decrease any sense of threat, and put the creature at ease.

Controlling (Major) - 40eps

Spell Name Cost Effect
Weather Control 20 The Shaman can effect, or generate, localised weather effects e.g fog, rain, frost.
Summonation 20 The Shaman puts out a call for any natural creature in the area (of a type) to come to him.
Feign Death/ Hibernate 20 The Shaman reduces the Flow to such a point, he goes into a hibernatory state that closely resembles death.
Disguise Aura 20 The Shaman can affect his aura to alter the results of Det.Aura (or similar) spells.
Disrupt Magic 20 Because magic utilises the Flow, a Shaman can deflect and disrupt any magical effects.
Nature's Gifts 20 The Shaman can use for himself the gifts bestowed on natural creatures e.g. gills, or spider climb (NOT flight)

Becoming the Life Force - 50eps

Spell Name Cost Effect
Walk through Walls 25 The Flow is not hampered by physical objects, so neither is a Shaman who is one with the Flow
Teleport 25 Move with the flow, from point to point without interacting with the intervening points.
Invisibilty 25 While one with the Flow, the Shaman can only be seen by another Shaman.
Full comprehension 25 The shaman can join in all the exchanges of information around him, with animal, plant or rock.
Polymorph 25 The Shaman can resume his own form or any other natural form of his choosing.

See also : Shamansim
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