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Divine Spell-Lists

Major Spheres Popup Nav Menu

The number in brackets is the number of spell points to cast, the number of ep's to buy, and the level of authority needed before the spell is granted.

Common Spells Popup Nav Menu

Common Spells can manifest very differently for each god.

(spec.) Divine Intervention.
This is a one-off spell. By saving up ep's in this, you can cause a direct intervention by your god on your behalf.
2) Turn Unnatural.
By the wielding of one's symbol, unnatural creatures will be discouraged from approaching the caster. This may be through fear, pain, control or physical repelling.
3) Divine Weapon
The form of this weapon, and the damage (if any) that it does varies. Yorcas will grant a sword, Elna a Shillelagh, Lomara a sort of stun prod maybe.
3) Divine Armour.
This could be a protective aura, a hardened skin (like Barksin or Stoneskin) or actual Armour. It will usually add +1 to armour.
3) Divine Counterspell.
By falling to your knees and praying like a lunatic, your god will protect you from the spells of another deity. Whether your friends are protected too cannot be guaranteed. If you use this too often, or against priests of allied gods, you may earn the ire of your god and church.
3) Divine Inspiration.
If you're really stumped, and you have no idea what to do or where to go, cast this and you may just get a flash of inspiration that will make it all clear.
3) Detect Unnatural.
Any unnatural creatures within sight will become apparent by some mechanism. This mechanism may be an area-effect Turn Unnatural, or they may simply glow purple.
4) Bless Item.
With suitable faffings and consecrations, a miscellaneous item can become a miscellaneous holy item. It will have no powers, but might be considered a holy symbol for the purposes of Turnings etc.
5) Prepare Enchantment.
This is a lengthy process that is necessary if you wish to create a Divine Artifact.
6) Dispel Permanent Magic.
With prayer and the bandying of holy symbols, a permanent enchantment (of any school of magic) can be disarmed. This may be a destructive affair, or it may be imperceptably subtle.

Battle (Yorcas) Popup Nav Menu

1) Voice of Yorcas
With this spell, the Believer can cry out his defiance with all the force of his convictions, and is guaranteed not to get a sore throat.
2) Knockback.
Anything in front of the caster not fastened down will be knocked forceably away.
3) Stun.
The target is stunned. i.e they are inflicted by a brief instance of intense pain that will bring them to their knees. After a second the pain will pass.
4) Blast.
By the might of Yorcas, the target is smited for some amount of damge through all and any form of armour.
5) Bless Weapon.
By consecrating a weapon in the name of Yorcas, it's efficacy can be increased. It will now effect non-corporeal beasties (wraiths and ghosts and so on), and will do additional damage. (This is in addition to the Common spell Bless Item).
5) Pain.
The target is filled with intense pain that will not go away. They are rendered incapable of doing anything useful.
6) Invulnerability.
The caster is now immune to any form of normal physical damage.
5) Berserk.
At the cost of rational thought, the target of the berserk gains a doubling of life points, an immunity to Charm effects, and a +2 to all damage. The berserker must continue fighting until all foes are defeated, or until death.
6) Mighty Blow.
By focusing the might of Yorcas through the caster's weapon, he can strike for an enormous amount of damage.
6) Holy Strength
By calling unto himself the might of Yorcas, the caster can achieve feats of staggering strength. This can be used much as the Strength skill Feat of Strength, but more so.
6) Finishing Blow.
A particularly viscious effect, usually reserved for the most heinous of foes. When the foe is defeated and helpless, this blow will dessimate their body so hideously that healing, regeneration or even resurection is rendered impossible.
7) Reflect Blow
With concentration, and almost spiritual reactions, the priest can take a blow (or physically targetted spell) and redirect it's energies in a direction he chooses (which is traditionally back from wence it came).
8) Vorpal Blow
One of the most terrifying effects a Yorcas priest can cast. By focusing the divine might into a single blow, that blow will cleave through any substance it meets without loss of force. This is guaranteed to slay any single foe, and with luck more than one.

*Chaos (Kylax - banned) Popup Nav Menu

3) Pyrogenesis.
A small fireball will appear at the designated spot, igniting everything there unless precautions are taken. If summoned to the caster's hand, he will be unharmed, and the flame will act as a large torch.
5) Mass Confusion.
Everyone in front of the caster will become confused to the point of not knowing their name or purpose. Such things as panic or berserking may well be consequences.
5) Wither Limb.
The touched limb will wither until useless, often dropping off. It can only be healed with "Restore Limb" or better.
5) Disintegrate.
A target inanimate object will implode and be reduced to brittle rubble. An equivalent of up to 15 hits can be removed.
5) Mass Panic.
Everyone in front of the caster will panic, and will flee blindly in a random direction until they are exhausted.
5) Eruption.
A target area of ground will explode upwards. Anything standing there will be thrown into the middle distance, anything fastened to the ground will be affected as per "Detonate".
6) Detonate.
The target will explode messily for an equivalent of 20 hits of damage. If the target has more hits than this, a suitable proportion will be destroyed.
6) Berserk Storm.
All targets in front of the caster will Berserk. They will get none of the benefits, but will all fight until death.
6) Cripple.
The targetted victim will be permanently crippled. All their bones will become warped by just enough so they cannot take any rapid or difficult action without excrutiating pain. This can only be cured by "Heal Body" or better.
6) Mutate.
The targetted victim will mutate into a horribly unatural variant of his former self. The nature of the mutation can be guided, but not accurately, by the caster.
7) Panic Plague.
As per "Mass Panic", but any person a panicking victim encounters along the way will panic too, and will in turn panic anyone they encounter. There is no time limit to this spell, although each individual will only panic until exhausted. When they recover from exhaustion, they can be affected by the panic plague again.
8) Inferno.
The target object will burst into flames. These flames cannot be extinguished by natural means, and will spread to engulf anything touching the target.
10) Earthquake.
An earthquake will hit the area, with the epicentre at the spot designated by the catser. The quake will start within a minute or two of casting, and will last for a moment or two, in which time it will level everything.

Earth (Elna) Popup Nav Menu

1) Create Food/Water
Creates a nourishing meal for one.
1) Detect Life.
This spell will indiscriminately detect any life within sight of the caster. He can focus sufficiently to find something hidden in vegetation, but can determine nothing more than genus (humanoid, feline, plant, etc.)
2) Goodberry.
Creates a single, large berry that will nourish the eater for a day.
2) Pass Without Trace.
The caster can pass through any vegetation, and cannot be tracked by any means.
2) Entangle.
A specialised form of "Animate Plant". The target is entangled by any surrounding plants. Does not work if there is nothing to do the entangling.
3) Summon Animal.
Calls an animal of the desired species. The species must be native to the area, and it will take some time for one to arrive. Once arrived, they will just sit there until they get bored and wander off.
3) Animate Plant.
Animates the target plant/clump of plants. They cannot change shape or size, but will act as if sentient (in fact they will be entirely under the will of the caster).
3) Nature's Gifts.
The caster can borrow one of the many gifts that Elna has granted to her creations, e.g. the leaping of the frog, or the ears of the bat. Note that many gifts are useless without the physical appendages (like wings or gills).
4) Speak with Animals
The caster can now communicate mentally with any of Elna's creatures. Note that animals may not show the slightest interest in the things you consider vital. This spell does not work with any of the speaking races.
4) Commune With Nature.
By going into a trance, the caster can listen in on the communications between the rocks and plants. Don't expect rivetting conversation though.
4) Dig.
A specialised example of "Nature's Gifts". The caster can dig into earth at the rate of a scaled-up mole.
4) Web
Another specialised "Nature's Gifts". The caster can spin a web, like that of a scaled-up spider. With practice, this web can be thrown to entangle a target.
5) Merge with Plant.
The caster hugs a plant and becomes one with it, becoming invisible. The plant must be at least as big as the caster.
5) Draw Life (from surroundings).
The caster can regenerate at a rate of 1 point per 10 seconds by remaining still. This will only work in healthy natural surroundings.
6) Polymorph.
The catser can change all or part of his body into the form of some natural creature. This spell must be used if the more advanced examples of "Nature's Gifts" are wanted.
7) Summon Rain.
Once cast, a reasonably heavy rain shower will appear within an hour. Enough rain will fall to get everything thouroughly wet, to revive wilted crops, etc.
7) Sunlight.
Once cast, any couds present will part to allow strong sunlight to shine through. This will take a few minutes. If desired, this sunlight can be focused into a beam, in which case it takes but a few seconds. This spell does not work at night.

Learning (Lomara) Popup Nav Menu

2) Comprehend Tongues.
The caster can understand, and communicate in any specified language. The language can either be explicitly stated (e.g. "Elven") or simply anything that is currently being spoken within earshot.
2) Evaluate
With this, the caster can determine the value of an object. This will be its true value, and may have little correlation with its monetary value.
3) Messenger.
The caster summons a spiritual messenger to convey a message to a specified person or place. The form of the messenger will vary with the inclinations of the caster.
4) True Sight
The caster can now see things as they really are. Disguises, illusions and other such deceptions will be seen for what they really are.
4) Discern Magic
The caster can detect and indentify any magical effects in sight.
4) Follow
A sort of combination track/locate-object/probable-path. The caster can determine the best way to reach a specified place, object or person.
5) Discern Truth
The caster can distinguish between truth and falsehood. He can distinguish half-truths, and lies the liar genuinely believes.
5) Far Speach
The caster can speak to a person well out of earshot as if they were next to him. The person can hear and answer similarly. The person must either be known, or in sight.
6) Teleport
The caster can teleport a designated target to a place he knows reasonably well.
7) Gate
The caster can create a gate, linking the current spot to a place he knows fairly well. The gate will remain open until it is closed, and anything physical can pass through it.

Marine (Knort) Popup Nav Menu

3) Summon Sea Creature.
A sea creature of designated type will come to the caster. Once it has arrived (which may take some time, depending on how near it was when the spell was cast) it will stick around until it gets bored.
4) Water Walk.
The target can walk on any liquid as if it were soil. This does not prevent any damage that might be apropriate (e.g. by walking on acid).
4) Breathe Water.
The target can breathe water as if it were air. If cast on a water-breathing creature, they can now breathe air.
4) Communicate with Sea Creature.
The caster can communicate telepathically (i.e. Breathe Water is not needed) with any water-breathing creature. Note that fish are notoriously dull conversationalists.
5) Calm Storm.
The caster can quell (or at least ease) a natural storm.
5) Control Winds.
The caster can evoke, and control the strength and direction of the wind.
5) Freeze.
A medium sized body of water will freeze over. This will only work if the water is calm, and it will melt again through natural means.
6) Whirlpool.
A whirlpool is evoked that will suck everything in range into its vortex. It will appear within a minute of casting.
6) Becalm.
The caster can completely cease any motions of the water. Any ship or other non-self-propelling thing in the water will be stuck.
7) Mass Teleport.
Teleports everything the caster designates to a spot he can identify, either by personal knowledge, or with a decent map.
7) Mystic Transport.
A mystical form of transport will miraculously and spectacularly appear, to take the caster to any destination. The transport can be navigated as you travel, so knowledge of the destination is not needed when casting. The form the transport takes (a ship, a griffon, a small pink cloud) will vary with the caster.
7) Part Water
A body of water will part to reveal a clear path. It will stay parted until the path has been traversed, or until the caster decides.
7) Control Water
The caster can control any single quantity of water within sight, and get it to do his bidding.
8) Body of Water
The caster can take on a form of water, with as much solidity as is desired. He can interact with the physical environment if and when he wishes.

Nobility (Hagol) Popup Nav Menu


*Oblivion (Necros - banned) Popup Nav Menu

2) Life Drain.
One life point is drained from the victim and gained by the caster for very three seconds of physical contact.
2) Power Drain.
As "Life Drain", but you drain/gain spirit points (or points of whatever magic school takes your fancy).
3) Curse.
The victim is cursed with something suitably unpleasant.
3) Animate.
Given a suitable body (a corpse usually) the priest can animate it. It will effectively contain a tiny slice of the caster's mind, and will not act except under explicit instructions.
4) Create Undead.
A victim can be inflicted with the conditions required for them to become an undead creature. Vampires can be created with this, although they will be weak. However, liches cannot.
4) Possess.
The caster puts his body somewhere safe, goes into a trance, then transfers his consciousness into the body of another. The owner of this body may object, but he'll just have to suffer the indignity.
5) Mind Stab.
The victim is wracked with an intense headache, and is thrown into utter confusion. He also takes some damage, just to make the point.
6) Steal Mind.
The caster can take the mind of the target and store it in a suitable phylactery, leaving the body as an automaton.
8) Sever Spirit.
The spirit is forceably ripped from its body, and thrown into oblivion. The victim is instantly killed, and cannot be raised.

Trickery (Kalar) Popup Nav Menu

2) Distract.
The victim will, for an instant, decide it would be a good idea to look in the specified direction.
3) Ventriloquism.
The caster can cause his voice to appear to emanate from any spot within sight.
3) Befuddle.
The victim is befuddled, and cannot remember what they were doing.
4) Falter.
The victim hesitates. If they are running they will stumble. If they are aiming, they will miss. If they are spell casting, they will muck it up.
4) Beguile.
The victim will (erroneously) believe the caster to be a nice person, and to be emminently trustworthy.
4) Fool's Gold.
Any object can be made to appear more (or less) valuable than it is.
4) Disguise.
The caster can make himself appear to be someone else.
5) Glamour.
The caster can make the target look unrecognisably different, be it better or worse. The target does not get a say in this.
5) Forget.
The victim will forget the designated event, person or piece of information.
6) Telekinesis.
The caster can move any object in sight as if he were next to it.
6) Static Illusion.
The caster can create a single, static illusion. It will respond to all senses, but will not change over time (apart from dissipating after a few minutes).
7) Dynamic Illusion.
As "Static Illusion", but the image can be programmed to change over time.
8) Invisibility.
The caster can pass unseen as long as he doesn't draw attention to himself.
9) Clone.
The target can be duplicated. The clone has the same abilities as the original, but far less intelligence. The clone can be controlled telepathically by the caster.
10) Stop Time.
The caster freezes everyone but himself in an instant of time. He is free to do as he will, but he cannot interact in any way with his surroundings.

Secondary Spheres Popup Nav Menu

Apocalypse Popup Nav Menu

  • Warp Wood.
  • Call Lightning.
  • Gust of wind.
  • Mass Vision.
  • Ball Lightning.
  • Tornado.
  • Deluge.
  • Hail.
  • Mass Blindness.
  • Meteor Storm.
  • Fear.

Defence Popup Nav Menu

  • Blur.
  • Sleep.
  • Drop.
  • Blind.
  • Hold Person.
  • Passify.
  • Web.
  • Glue.

Guidance Popup Nav Menu

  • Probable Path.
  • Locate Object.
  • Consultation.
  • Track.
  • Direction.

Heaven/Hell Popup Nav Menu

  • Resurrect.
  • Speak With Dead.
  • Track Incarnation.
  • Summon Spirit (ghost).
  • Suspend Life.

Inspiration Popup Nav Menu

  • Respect.
  • Inspire.
  • Command.
  • Cloak of Bravery.
  • Intimidate.
  • Charge.
  • Taunt.
  • Audience.
  • Mass Charm.
  • Remove Fear.

Protection Popup Nav Menu

  • Silence.
  • Resist Heat/Cold.
  • Lend Life.
  • Protection Chant.
  • Static Invisibility.
  • Ward (various).
  • Alarm.
  • Circle of Peace.
  • Spirit Guardian.
  • Fortification.

Spirituality Popup Nav Menu

  • Exorcise.
  • Control Mind.
  • Control Aura.
  • Open Planar Portal.
  • Summon Planar Entity.
  • Astral Projection.
  • Astral Travel.
  • Detect Spirit.
  • Spiritform.
  • Detect Threat (inc.traps).
  • Scan Karma.
  • Levitate.

Vision Popup Nav Menu

  • Dream.
  • Detect Aura.
  • Future Sense.
  • True Sight.
  • Far Speech.
  • Clairvoyance (Farsight).
  • Psychometry.
  • Clairaudience.
  • Divination.

Welfare Popup Nav Menu

  • Create Food/Water.
  • Accelerate Healing.
  • Neutralize Poison.
  • Heal Light.
  • Restore Mind.
  • Restore Limb.
  • Heal Serious.
  • Heal Body.
  • Total Heal.
  • Cure Disease.

See also : The SLuRP Gods
  : Divine Magic
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