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Components of the Aspect of Energy

[Magic in SLuRP]
[Focus] [Life] [Matter] [Time]
[Summaries and Tables]

[Create Energy] [Destroy Energy] [Shape Energy] [Transform Energy] [Energy Blast]

Create Energy.
Creates a shapeless blob of energy, in whatever form you choose. This can be a source of light, a loud bang, a bolt of lightning or a gentle push.
Stacking components of Create Energy increases quantity.
  1. A small amount (candle light, a whisper, lift a pen)
  2. A medium amount (lantern light, a clap, lift a baby)
  3. A significant amount (campfire light, a gunshot, lift a man)
  4. A large amount (British daylight, an explosion, lift a horse)
  5. A huge amount (blinding light, deafening sound, lift a hut)
Destroy Energy.
Removes a quantity of energy from existence. Note that some energies appear to have opposites, but in fact they are merely an absence. Thus there is no "Create Darkness" or "Create Cold", there is only "Destroy Light" and "Destroy Heat". Moving objects can be slowed down either by creating an opposite force, or by destroying the existing force (which could include gravity).
Stacking components of Destroy Energy increases quantity.
  1. A small amount (a falling pebble)
  2. A medium amount (a rolling stone)
  3. A significant amount (a plunging rock)
  4. A large amount (a cascade of earth)
  5. A huge amount (an avalanche of boulders)
Note - these are examples of momentum (an energy), and should not be confused with mass or quantity (which come under Matter).
Shape Energy.
Energy by its nature tends to spread equally in all directions, beyond anyone's immediate control. Shape Energy is used to get around this. When used in combination with Create Energy it can be used to focus light into a beam, shape sound into speech, push things round corners or stop heat spreading.
Stacking components of Shape Energy increases complexity.
  1. Simple (vague sounds)
  2. Moderate (click, clap, bang, woof)
  3. Difficult (artificial speech, a musical intrument)
  4. Complex (singing, guitar or piano chords)
  5. Intricate (choral singing, an orchestra)
Transform Energy.
Transforms an existing energy into a different manifestation of the same energy. Can be used to turn light a different colour, or make a moving object change direction.
Stacking components of Transform Energy increases quantity.
  1. A small amount (body heat - comfortable)
  2. A medium amount (a very hot bath - uncomfortable)
  3. A significant amount (very hot soup - 1st degree burns)
  4. A large amount (a hot stove - 2nd degree burns)
  5. A huge amount (the inside of a forge - 3rd degree burns)
Energy Blast.
Without a component of Energy Blast, a spell will do no more damage that it would naturally do. A fireball would ignite you, a lightning bolt would give you a nasty jolt and leave you shaking.
Stacking components of Energy Blast increases damage.
  1. Single
  2. Double
  3. Quad
  4. Hex
  5. Dec

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