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Components of the Aspect of Time

[Magic in SLuRP]
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Components of the Aspect of Time

[Add Duration] [Alter Speed] [Add Delay] [Add Event Contingency]

Add Duration.
Without adding Duration, a spell is considered instantaneous, starting immediately and ending immediately. Elements will revert to their natural state, Energy will disipate. By adding Duration, the spell remains under the caster's control for longer.
Duration can be stacked as follows.
  1. Rapid (one action, a couple of seconds)
  2. Medium (one encounter, a couple of minutes)
  3. Protracted (an hour or two, long enough to hold a ritual)
  4. Drawn-out (a day or two)
  5. Long-term (a month or two)
Alter Speed.
This component controls the rate at which an event occurs. In some circumstances it can be used to increase the duration of a spell, but it can also be used to speed up or slow down a creature's response time. Note that at level 3 or higher, it becomes extremely difficult to interact with the real world (whether you are slowed or quickened).
Alter Speed can be stacked as follows.
  1. x2 (slow - zombie speed)
  2. x4 - (very slow - dream speed/Tai-Chi speed)
  3. x8 - (extremely slow)
  4. x16 - (barely moving)
  5. x32 - (virtually paralysed - imperceptable movement)
Add Delay.
Without a delay, all spells will take effect immediately. By adding a Delay, a spell can be made to take effect at a certain point in the future. If a spell is Delayed, its actions must be pre-programmed exactly as the mage (even if he is present) cannot direct events in any way except by normal means.
Delay levels can be stacked as follows.
  1. Quickly (after a couple of seconds)
  2. Very soon (after a couple of minutes)
  3. Fairly soon (after an hour or two, long enough to hold a ritual)
  4. Later (a day or two)
  5. Much later (a month or two)
Add Event Contingency.
Even if Delay is added to a spell, it will only take affect at the specified point in time, even if events conspire to make in inappropriate or worthless. With an Event Contingency, the spell can be made to take effect at any point of time within its Delay when certain specified events are fulfilled. Common examples of Events are "When someone crosses this line" or "When someone hits me with a sword".
Note that certain types of event may require the addition of some Familiarity components.
Events Contingencies can be stacked to increase complexity or to create combinations.
  1. Basic ("When this door is opened")
  2. Simple ("When this door is opened inwards")
  3. Involved ("When this door is opened inwards by a human male")
  4. Complex ("When this door is opened inwards by a human male wearing armour")
  5. Intricate ("When this door is opened inwards by a human male wearing elven chain mail")

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