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Components of the Aspect of Matter

[Magic in SLuRP]
[Energy] [Focus] [Life] [Time]
[Summaries and Tables]

[Create Matter] [Destroy Matter] [Shape Matter] [Transform Matter]

Create Matter.
Creates a shapeless splodge of matter, in whatever form you choose. Can be used to create a flame, a puddle of water, a bubble of air, or a rock. Extending the concept, you can conjure a brick of gold, fill a glass with wine or fill a tunnel with noxious fumes.
Create Matter can be stacked to increase quantity.
  1. Fist sized (a dagger)
  2. Torso sized (a sword)
  3. Human sized (a cannon)
  4. Wagon sized (a seige catapult)
  5. Building sized (a siege tower)
Destroy Matter.
Removes a quantity of matter from existence. If the portion removed is an important part of a larger structure (e.g. you destroy a pillar in a palace, or all the iron in a steel sword) the larger whole is likely to be adversely affected. If not used for blatant destruction, this component is most often used for removing things the mage has created after their usefulness is past (perhaps to prevent someone using a bridge you have created across a chasm)
Destroy Matter can be stacked to increase quantity.
  1. Fist sized (a buckler)
  2. Torso sized (a breastplate or a shield)
  3. Human sized (a suit of armour)
  4. Wagon sized (a wooden horse)
  5. Building sized (city gates)
Shape Matter.
Shapes existing matter into physical forms as dictated by the caster. Most often used in conjunction with Create Matter to conjure elemental walls or swords or any actual object, but also used to reshape existing objects, either to corrupt or repair.
Shape Matter can be stacked to increase complexity.
  1. Simple shapes (a wall)
  2. Simple tools (a spade)
  3. Composite, jointed or moving (a crossbow)
  4. Complex (a steam engine)
  5. Intricate (a gnomish flying machine)
Transform Matter.
Transforms matter into a different manifestation of the same element. Examples of this would be water to wine, rock to sand, lead to gold, but would not include transform air to fire, to water to air.
Transform Matter can be stacked to increase quantity.
  1. Fist sized (a bag of change)
  2. Torso sized (a barrel of wine)
  3. Human sized (a table of food)
  4. Wagon sized (a room full of gunpowder)
  5. Building sized (a bridge)

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