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Components of the Aspect of Focus

[Magic in SLuRP]
[Energy] [Life] [Matter] [Time]
[Summaries and Tables]

[Add Range] [Add Area] [Add Familiarity] [Add Multiplicity]

Add Range.
Without added range, all Realms Magic is considered touch-ranged. Range can be added to any spell where it makes sense (which generally means any spell that has a target).
Range components can be stacked as follows.
  1. Point-blank (within arm's length)
  2. Close range (within shouting distance)
  3. Medium range (within sight)
  4. Long range (on the horizon)
  5. Very long range (out of sight)
Add Area-Effect.
Without adding Area-Effect, all spells are considered to affect one target only. Note that unless Range is added, the spellcaster will be within the area of effect, and if you affect a very large area with a very small quantity (of Element or Energy), the effect will be spread very thinly. An area of effect is considered a circle unless contained somehow.
Area-Effect components can be stacked as follows
  1. Small area (a person, one square metre)
  2. Medium area (a group of people)
  3. Large area (a small clearing)
  4. Very large area (a playing field, one acre)
  5. Huge area (a small village)
Add Familiarity.
Without adding Familiarity, spells can only affect something in plain sight or in physical contact (although this rule can be blurred by adding Area or using Time components). Familiarity can be applied to people, items, species or places amongst others. Familiarity can be gained by using the Read Mind component. Note that levels 4 and 5 of Range will not work unless Familiarity is added.
Familiarity components can be stacked as follows.
  1. Intimate (close friend, specialist study)
  2. Well known (a party member, something encountered frequently)
  3. Familiar (have met/encountered a few times)
  4. Vaguely known (met/encountered once)
  5. Not known (have had described)
Add Multiplicity.
Without adding Multiplicity, spells can only affect a single specified target (adding Area sacrifices the ability to specify targets). Multiplicity is applied to the whole spell, but the overall power (including such things as size, range, area and damage) are split between the parts. Thus an fireball doing quad-damage could be split into four individually tagetted fireballs doing a single each.
Multiplicity components can be stacked as follows.
  1. x2
  2. x4
  3. x8
  4. x16
  5. x32

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