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Realms Magic


In the Realm of Magic, magic exists in its pure, limitless and infinite form, well beyond the scope of mortal comprehension. Those who can tap into this resource are tapping into the power of the gods themselves. Naturally the gods are somewhat protective of their power though, and accessing this resource without their permission is an arduous and lengthy process.

This gives rise to the two main divisions of Realms Mage.

The Priest (sometime called the Divine Mage)
Those mortals who, through long-term service and genuine worship, have gained the favour of one of the gods, and in return for their devotion are granted limited access to the Realm of Magic. The greater the esteem your god holds you in, the less limited the access.
The Hermetic Mage
Those mortals who gain access to the Realm of magic the hard way, through lengthy rituals and complex machinations of arcane arts. Although not restricted by any gods, the Hermetic Mages have yet to gain full access to the Realm's power.

By whatever means, trying to focus and manipulate an infinite an limitless form of magic is rather more than can be expected for any mortal, and so the power is broken down into manageable manifestations. Although these divisions are artificial, they are necessary for mortal spellcasters to comprehend the power, and for them to utilise it in any meaningful form.

These groupings are called by various names, including realms, spheres and schools, but here they shall be named Aspects.

The Aspects of Magic

[Matter] [Energy] [Focus] [Life] [Time]


The magic of substance, of matter, of the materials of inanimate creation.

    Affects the following:
  • Fire
  • Earth (any solid)
  • Air (any gas)
  • Water (any liquid)
  • Create matter.
  • Shape matter.
  • Transform matter.
  • Destroy matter.


The magic of forces, of light and sound, of movement and lightning. Some are useless unless applied to an object (e.g. motion and heat).

    Affects the following:
  • Light
  • Sound
  • Heat and cold
  • Lightning
  • Magnetism
  • Motion
  • Create energy.
  • Shape energy.
  • Transform energy.
  • Destroy energy.
  • Energy blast (damage).


The realm dealing with targets and positions, with range and familiarity. This realm is never used alone. Components of the Focus Realm are always used in combination with Elements or Energy.

    Affects the following:
  • The thing on which the spell is cast.
  • Range
  • Area
  • Familiarity
  • Multiplicity


The Aspect of creation, of life, body and the mind. True creation of life is the province of the gods, but loyal priests are allowed to dabble.
Only Priests may utilise the Aspect of Life

  • Animate
  • Deanimate
  • Increase life (healing)
  • Decrease life (harming)
  • Read Mind
  • Change Mind
  • Alter Body


The realm dealing with durations, speeds and events. As with the Aspect of Focus, components of the Time Realm are always used in combination with Elements or Energy.

    Affects the following:
  • The rate of flow of time (fast or slow, never backwards)
  • The time at which spell components occur.
  • Delay
  • Duration
  • Event handling
  • Alter time flow

Casting - the Mechanics

[Spell Points] [Levels] [Verbals] [Improvised Spells]

All Realms Magic spells are constructed by the combining of spell components. For examples of spells, and how they are constructed, see the Grimoire. For now though, a couple of simple examples.

The conjuring of a ball of fire that flies forward to strike a single target for a certain amount of damage.
    Components used:
  • Conjure Matter (fire)
  • Add Range (from Focus)
  • Energy Blast (for the damage)
Summon Animal
Puts a mental call out to the surrounding area for an animal of a chosen type to come to the spellcaster.
    Components used:
  • Add area (from Focus)
  • Write Mind (to implant the suggestion "Come here")
  • Add Familiarity (depending on how familiar you are with the type of animal)

Spell components can be stacked for greater effect. The fireball can have multiple Create Matter components, for a larger ball, or more Energy Blasts for greater damage. Add Area components to Summon Animal for a greater range, or add Familiarity components to summon a creature you are less familiar with.

Your power level determines the maximum number of components that can be stacked in any particular Aspect.

A number of spellcasters can combine their abilities. Their power levels and spell points can be added together in whatever combination works best.

Finally, you must have the required number of spell points.

Spell Points

Spell points are bought like Life points. Spell points have a base cost of one ep each. Mages use the Intellect list-multiplier, while Priests use the Mysticism list-multiplier. One component, cast at level one, costs one spell point to cast. There is no limit to the number of spell points you can buy.

Mages regenerate spell points after a full night's rest, Priests regenerate spell points by praying.

Power Levels

Power levels go from level nought to level ten. A starting spellcaster is level nought in all Aspects, and must buy levels at a cost of level-squared in each Aspect individually. A character could be (and often is) of very high level in one Aspect, and very low in another (and Hermetic Mages will always be level zero in the Aspect of Life).

A mage with level five in the Aspect of Matter and level one in the Aspect of Focus can construct spells that stack up to five Matter components plus one Focus component.

Power levels are closely linked with your hierarchical standing within your church or within the Mages' Guild. It is possible to gain power levels without climbing in hierachy level, but it is difficult, as it is the hierarchy that holds the magical Grimoires and holy texts, and they guard their secrets jealously.

And no hierarchy is happy about rogue elements.

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