Middle Class White Guy
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Prayer For The Drugs God

Time again for my regular rite
Bent double I pray to my god of choice
Make me the best that I can be
Make me the person they want to see
Make me the life and soul tonight
Fill my heart with light

Work your miracles upon my soul
Cleanse my spirit, cleanse my aura
Tonight I'll celebrate your glory
Tonight I'll be your missionary
Tonight I'll be a light for all
Make your servant whole

In ecstasy I feel your love run through me
You stroke my hair, caress my skin
I lift in your presence, alive in adoration
Surrender to rapture, exultant veneration

Your torrent bursts open the floodgates within me
My chest too small for the love within
Eyes closed I surrender, hands raised I revere
My doubts non-existent, my vision now clear
I'm feeling you work your magic on me
With you I am free

I spread your love with a missionary's zeal
So the world can know as I do
So they can love as I do
Bringing your light to their soulless world

I lead their first prayer, see the rapture they feel
I'm reminded when I first found you
When first I learnt what was true
And my heart burst with love for your gift to me

When you're with me, I'm a better man, but what if he's not me?
What if they'd rather see him?
What if I'd rather be him?
Am I obliged to become another man if he is better than me?
Would I die to become him?
Or would it be me inside him?
Am I him or me?

Now I start to ask myself, without my prayers what am I?
My prayers to you are constant,
I fear becoming dependant
If I'm someone else after praying to you, which personality am I?
With all these aspects of me
Which if any is the real me?
Without you, who am I?

I believe in you, I worship you, I am your servant
I've performed all your rites, gone through all the motions
I need you, I depend on you, I am your slave
I celebrate your word, I preach your religion
I beg to you, I plead to you, I am nothing without you
I cannot survive without your absolution

I went through this stage those years ago when I worshipped a different god
My life enslaved in dependent debasement
Constrained, your demands my soul's imprisonment
I've escaped by replacing one god with another, and am now a slave again

But I know the truth, that it's all me
And I am whoever I choose to be
Alone I suffice, but why just survive?
Alone I manage, but with you I fly
Alone I cope, but I'm no fool
A god is just a tool

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