Middle Class White Guy
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Christmas for Cynics

I'm building a snowman. Why? Fuck you! That's why
'Cos no-one else bothered to turn up today.
So my lunch break starts now, and lasts till I say
I'm doing this right if it takes me all day
And where in this town can a man buy a carrot?
And two lumps of coal would be worth a small effort.
I don't care what you say, I'm wearing this hat
That fell out of this cracker with this plastic toy tat
And I'll laugh at the joke, but you know it's ironic
A crank-handled belch of a mechanical comic
They chose to invite me, and I chose to come
I could choose to be miserable, or choose to have fun
This is not my family, I'm here 'cos I wanna be
They want festivity, if that's their proclivity
While it's true that I abhor all this Christmas activity
I can manage to be happy for the sake of civility

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